
CDO is a program for children nine months through two years old. The children learn to establish trust and a love of learning through play. They develop cognitive, fine motor, gross motor, language, self-help, and social-emotional skills through exposure to art, literacy, music, mathematics, science, and exploration. The child/teacher ratio is 3:1 for the infant classes and up to 6:1 for the toddler and two’s classes.

Dayschool is a program for the young three through four year old child. These children develop their creativity, critical thinking, fine motor, language, literacy, self-help, and social emotional skills through child-initiated play as well as small and large group activities.


Pre-K is a program for children ages four to five. These children develop self-help, social-emotional, critical thinking, conflict resolution, and problem-solving skills through child-initiated play, small groups, and large groups. They also incorporate Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum to gain alphabet knowledge, letter formation, and story telling skills.

Summer Program

We host a short summer program, for our existing students, in the month of June.  This is a relaxed, fun-filled program of creative art, outside play, and language development.